Scottish Historical Review Early Career Researcher Article Prize

The SHR is delighted to announce the launch of a new annual article competition open to early career researchers working on Scottish history. The prize will be awarded for the best essay submitted on a subject related to the field of Scottish historical studies, in any period. The winning entry will be published in the journal and receive a £500 award. 

The SHR welcomes submissions from early career researchers (defined as individuals within seven years of PhD award and not in a permanent post, excluding any period of career break). We especially encourage submissions from people from diverse backgrounds and those underrepresented in the field.

The essay must be an unpublished work of original research, not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and no longer than 12,000 words (including footnotes). Submissions should conform to the SHR's guidelines for authors, available at:

Entries should be sent to Dr Chris Langley ( and Prof. Annie Tindley ( and be accompanied by a cover note confirming eligibility.

This competition will open on 1 May 2024 and the closing date for submissions is 6 September 2024. Entrants will be informed of the outcome in December 2024. The winning article will be subject to the usual peer review process and then published in the December 2025 issue.

Esther Mijers